Coffee & Careers
Talent Connection through the journey
Having an employment partner to help navigate through the total employment journey is comforting. We support the employer - employee connection through the pre- hire, onboarding, engagement and offboarding stages.
Using our Coffee & Careers platform and programs helps achieve greater retention outcomes.
Our Coffee & Careers programs facilitate greater employment engagement and retention.
Concierge Support - provided with every new hire.
On Pulse - mployee experience surveys to understand key friction to engagement during hiring and probation stages of employment.
Plan & Mentor - new employee optimised ready review, for hiring managers and employees during the first 90 - 180 days.
Career Nav - employee pulse surveys and journey development planning post-probation.
Change Readiness - for teams during new business structural, system and or process change.
Outplace - employee transition career navigation, mentoring and resume services.
Off Pulse - employee offboarding exit surveys for friction and improvement feedback.